Ready to start your DAM journey?
Since its founding in 1996, Banyan Botanicals has been helping people achieve and maintain health and well-being through its organic, sustainably sourced, and fairly traded Ayurvedic products, educational outreach, and championship of personal empowerment. To support the company’s mission, its internal marketing and creative teams work hard to educate consumers about the benefits of using its products and other ways to become and stay healthy. As a result of their efforts, Banyan Botanicals’ creative files, marketing materials, and other valuable digital assets multiplied until it became very difficult for end-users to search for and utilize them. Eventually it became apparent that the company needed a more structured environment for its digital assets to live in, and more sophisticated tools to effectively manage them.
The decision was made to implement a new and improved digital asset management (DAM) platform. A dedicated team scoured the internet, attended sales meetings, and evaluated several DAM systems. They soon discovered that the DAM space is constantly changing and growing, making it difficult to find the right DAM platform to suit their needs. After trying two different platforms and spending countless hours and many dollars trying to make them work, their team was fatigued and frustrated and the company’s digital assets were still unorganized.

1. Find the “Goldilocks” DAM
Just like Goldilocks making her way through the Three Bears’ house until she found the chair that fit “just right,” the Banyan Botanicals team tried to use DAM platforms that were either too big or too small for their requirements. They needed a solution to their DAM issues but doubted that continuing to sit in chairs until they found the one that fit “just right” was the best approach.
2. Get Creatives back to Creating
During their attempts to find a “Goldilocks” DAM system, the Banyan Botanicals team spent more time searching for a platform and specific assets than creating, marketing, or developing new IT solutions. The search also expended financial resources. The team knew that if they could find the right platform and establish effective DAM workflows and systems, they could get back to helping the business grow.

An Expert Guide
Banyan Botanicals realized they needed an expert to lead them through all their options and ensure they chose the DAM platform that would fit their needs “just right.” They hired Stacks, a team of consultants with over 50 years of DAM experience across many platforms, to help them. The Stacks team began by meeting with them to acquire a deep understanding of their fundamental needs. Then they used their expertise, knowledge of the market, and connections to identify several platforms that would fit Banyan Botanicals’ needs “just right.” The Stacks team then led the Banyan Botanicals team through the decision-making process and provided a roadmap for implementing their new DAM platform.
Process + Platform
Alongside the hunt for the “Goldilocks” DAM platform, the Stacks team worked with the Banyan Botanicals team on their digital asset management processes. Bottlenecks and inefficiencies can often be resolved by establishing, validating, and documenting new processes and best practices. These are issues that a new platform cannot remedy no matter how well it fits. Once these processes were created, the Stacks and Banyan Botanicals’ teams had a better picture of the exact needs the new technology needed to address.

We went through two DAM selection and implementations on our own and failed due to wrong selections. Stacks was able to get us on a DAM system that ended up being better and cheaper than both systems we originally chose.
Shilpam Shah, Banyan Botanicals
A Confident, Equipped Team
With a roadmap and new and improved processes established, as well as consistent guidance and feedback from the Stacks team, the Banyan Botanicals team was able to confidently decide on a DAM solution. They are also equipped with a set of best practices that live beyond their platform and allow them to effectively manage their assets no matter where they live. Their team can look beyond the present, past whatever fires may spring up on a given day, and know what they need to do next to grow their business and share their mission of a healthier population and planet with more people.

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