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Partner Webinar: Mastering Your DAM Strategy for 2024 & Beyond

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By Ben Owen | February 26, 2024

Acquia Webinar

Odds are, there are many demands for assets across your business. You may have heard of the many possible ways to address them with digital asset management (DAM). Sounds great, right?

Getting from recognizing the need for DAM in your organization to launching your DAM program and beyond is a journey full of common mistakes. DAM programs without strategy alignment and a governance plan are at a higher risk of failure with low adoption, unrealized return on investment, and employee burnout.

Having a documented strategy and governance plan, along with a clear roadmap for getting started in DAM, helps ensure you’re driving the right focus on improving content workflows, gaining adoption, and ensuring alignment. 

Defining Your DAM Strategy (6:53)

In Part 1 of the webinar, Nate Holmes, Senior Product Marketing Manager of DAM and PIM at Acquia, walks through how to define a winning strategy for DAM in your organization that all of your users can get behind. 

Using the "Playing to Win" framework, Nate discusses how to set a winning aspiration, define where you will "play", achieve your winning aspiration (i.e. win), identify capabilities necessary to win, and finally measure progress against your winning aspiration. 

All of these questions and concepts can be directly to digital asset management and contribute to a DAM strategy that is easy to understand and rally around for your users. This framework is also easy to align with broader organizational goals, ensuring the DAM program is providing value and justifying future investment. 

Your great idea(s) mean nothing without collaborative buy in and action. Keep it clear and simple, so it can fit it on a slide. Make it easy to reference and continue to share, share, share it!

Nate Holmes, Senior Product Marketing Manager, DAM + PIM, Acquia

Launching a Scalable DAM Program (18:18)

Following the development of a clear DAM strategy, you can begin taking more actionable steps towards building and launching a DAM program to boost the efficiency and effectiveness of your organization's digital content efforts.

As we mentioned, however, this path is littered with roadblocks, pitfalls, and common mistakes that lead to DAM failure and fatigue. To help you avoid all of these, our very own Ben Owen discusses our Guide to Building a Successful DAM Program, which you can find on our website here

In his discussion, Ben focuses on how to build buy-in for the DAM program from the very beginning, ensuring user adoption. He also highlights the importance of a well-defined DAM team within your organization, owning the DAM program in the short and long-term. With these tools, you can successfully make your way to launching a scalable DAM program!

[The DAM] team must include people with the right mix of skills, experience, and attitude. They have to share a long-term vision for what the DAM program is and how it serves the organization, and they must have the capacity to handle this responsibility.

Ben Owen, Sales & Marketing Manager, Stacks

Creating Your Governance Plan (34:48)

Once your DAM program is launched, what keeps it healthy and growing? 

According to Jake Athey, VP of Marketing and Sales for Acquia's DAM and PIM business, the key is a robust governance plan for your DAM program. In Part 3 of the webinar, Jake walks through each key consideration around DAM governance to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks and causes a breakdown in your DAM workflows and processes.

These topics include the purpose and scope of your DAM program, user management, security, metadata, artificial intelligence (AI), rights management, training, and more. Jake also provides helpful tools for building out your own governance plan, which can be found on Acquia's website here.

There are several things to consider as part of your DAM governance plan. Start with the purpose and scope of the DAM system, the named administrators and admin duties, communication, user management, and training plan.

Jake Athey, VP of Go-to-Market, DAM + PIM, Acquia

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Successfully Take the Next Step in DAM

If you're ready to develop an effective DAM program, work with Stacks to ensure you cover all the details. We approach the process with a personalized focus to establish workflows suiting your operation. These systems develop consistency while offering simple operations, so your teams can implement them seamlessly into their work. Get in touch with our DAM experts today.